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Animated Progress Bars
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Alert Box
Left Column
This is a sticky status update, it’s really awesome for quick updates and the comments are AJAX-ed so there’s no waisting time on reloading the page. Cool right?
Right Column
This is a sticky status update, it’s really awesome for quick updates and the comments are AJAX-ed so there’s no waisting time on reloading the page. Cool right?
Left Column
This is a sticky status update, it’s really awesome for quick updates and the comments are AJAX-ed so there’s no waisting time on reloading the page. Cool right?
Middle Column
This is a sticky status update, it’s really awesome for quick updates and the comments are AJAX-ed so there’s no waisting time on reloading the page. Cool right?
Right Column
This is a sticky status update, it’s really awesome for quick updates and the comments are AJAX-ed so there’s no waisting time on reloading the page. Cool right?
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